I’ve always loved scents. After I got my first job at Taco Bell when I was fifteen, I couldn’t wait to use some of my first paycheck to purchase perfume from the neighborhood CVS. I loved how the scent of flowers, fruits or powder not only allured the opposite sex, but also made me feel fresh, confident and happy. When I graduated from high school, I graduated from Victoria’s Secrets mists like Love Spell, Pear Glace and Champagne and Strawberries to perfumes like Sunflowers, Curve and Clinique Happy. While in college, I began to fill my first apartment with candles and plugins. Unbeknownst to me, I was starting to delve into aromatherapy, the use of scents for their therapeutic qualities. By the time I was in my mid-twenties, I’d researched the power of scents and started purchasing scented wax melters to create specific vibes in my home and office spaces.
I still have a love and deep appreciation for aromatherapy and over the past five years, I’ve been obsessed with essential oils and the different ways they can aid in self-care.
What are Essential Oils?