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Don’t Let Anyone Disturb Your Peace: A Real Life Experience

What you're not going to do is rain on my parade! Such a powerful statement, but it can be easier said than done. That one negative comment or gesture someone says or does, can ruin your joy...if you let it. But, let me tell you how I've grown y'all. I've been working since I was fifteen years old and in my early thirties, I finally felt like I made it, I was successful. I had a thriving career, I was making more money than I'd ever made in my life, taking trips several times a year, doing the things I'd dreamed of as a little girl. But I soon realized something was missing, something integral: peace. So, for the past few years, I’ve been chasing peace while chasing a bag. I’ve redefined success for myself to include being fulfilled, being stable and thriving, but most importantly, I must have peace.

Here's a real-life example of how I didn’t let someone rain on my parade, in fact my goal was to parade on her rain. To share my joy and peace with her while protecting mine.

A few weeks ago, I was out hanging with my friend. The weather was beautiful, we were having great girl talk and were on our way to get some great food (crab cake eggrolls, yum!).

As I'm driving in the right lane, road work on the street requires those in the left lane to merge. The antsy truck behind me going too fast darts into the left lane trying to speed past, but of course they couldn't. I moved up a little because you're not about to jump in front of me after you got out of the right lane.

My window is cracked and I hear a female voice say "I'm waiting for her ugly ass to turn around." I know she's referring to me. I know why. She's feeling some type of way because I moved up and didn't just let them jump in front of me. My friend and I start discussing the incident and I turn around and roll the window down.

The young lady rolls hers down as well and says "Are you okay?" as she twists her neck and moves closer to her window in a manner that tells me she is ready and willing to have an argument.

I say " I'm okay, I'm blessed and hope you have a blessed day too." As I put my hands together in a prayer position and bow my head to her a few times.

She sat back in her seat, rolled the window up and when the light turned green I had no issue proceeding and they drove up behind me and went on their way.

It wasn't something worth my peace, so I didn't make it a battle. She tried to bring me to her low frequency and I would not allow it. If anything, I hope my energy rubbed off on her.

Moral of the story: Protect your peace and pick your battles. Also, share your peace. There are so many people walking around angry and unhappy for so many reasons. We have all been there and need that extra love the most during those times.