I've kept a journal since I was a teenager. Writing was a natural way for me to express myself. I'd write poetry, short stories and details about my day and my crushes. I always felt relieved after I'd write, especially when I could let go of thoughts I didn't want to or didn't have the courage to, speak out loud.
Fast forward many years later and I am still writing in my journal, but this year while in quarantine due to the pandemic, I decided to start a gratitude journal.
It was so hard to cope with the loss of people, normalcy and the major shift the world experienced (and is still navigating). Those first few months were draining and scary, so I knew I had to increase the frequency and depth of my self-care practices.
Gratitude journaling came to mind. I knew I needed to focus on what was going well in my life and in the world and what I was thankful for, otherwise the negativity and anxiety would consume me. I found a gratitude journal at TJ Maxx with three pre-printed prompts for you to respond to, and then a few pages for you to write more notes. For each entry, I focus on the following: Today I am grateful for…, I am looking forward to… and Favorite part of the day…